The Romance Of Renault


Author: Edouard Seidler
Date of Publication: 1973

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SKU: BB6033 Category:


Edouard Seidler has devoted his leisure moments for two years to a detailed study of the Régie Renault from its foundation in 1945 up to the present day.

The result, stemming from the study of a fascinating collection of unpublished documents, and hours of discussion with the actors in, and witnesses to, the Romance of Renault, is related in a readable, lively and balanced man-ner. It is a true history of the sometimes stormy, and always absorbing, story of one of the largest motor-manufacturers in the world, the Régie Nationale des Usines Renault.

It covers more than a quarter of a century of endeavour and achievement on the industrial and racing scenes. The Romance of Renault is a monument to those achievements, but beyond that, it is the record of an adventure out of the common run, an adventure that concerns a great enterprise and the two men, who, following Louis Renault, each brought their own style and their own ideas to the common task of leading the Régie-Pierre Lefaucheux and Pierre Dreyfus.

Hardback in generally very good condition with good dust jacket.

Additional information

Weight2.25 kg
Dimensions31 × 27 × 3 cm