The Automobile Man. The Story of Henry Ford


Author: John Rowland
Date of Publication: 1974

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SKU: BB6181 Categories: ,


Henry Ford worked hard all his life and was still working at eighty. But he didn’t see any virtue in hard slogging labour by hand, and on the farm where he grew up, in the 1860s and 70s, there were – there had to be – hours and hours of it.

Henry believed in mechanisation: piped water, power-driven saws, mowing machines. He went off to the city to learn about machines, and there, after years of experiment and study, he built, by hand from cast-off bits and pieces, a petrol-driven car.

It was uncomfortable, noisy and slow: but it worked. After it came more cars and, eventually, a Company to manufacture and sell them in their millions, world-wide. Ford believed in organization, and was the first large-scale manufacturer to introduce assembly-line produc-tion.

Rolling off it in thousands came the most famous Ford of all: the Model T, which fulfilled Ford’s early dream of building a car cheap and reliable enough for the ordinary working man to buy. This is his story.

Hardback in generally very good condition with good dust jacket.

Additional information

Weight0.3 kg
Dimensions20 × 13 × 2 cm